November 16, 2010

Holiday Cards for Heroes 2010

I wrote on this one, "You were expecting reindeer?"

The American Red Cross and Pitney Bowes are cooperating for the fourth year to deliver holiday greeting cards to wounded soldiers, veterans, and families of active-duty military.

Cards can be handmade or store-bought; can't contain glitter; and should show only your first name(s).

 On this card I wished the recipient a happy holiday and abundant cookies.

 I always make my cards by hand, and they're usually of fabric.  There's a video posted on the Red Cross website that shows two soldiers being handed cards and grinning ear to ear as they read them.

 Cards can be for men, for women, or gender neutral.

(This one's my favorite!)
Postmark deadline is December 10, 2010.  The maximum number you can send is 15.

Full details are on the Red Cross website, which I encourage you to read.  The mailing address is as follows:

Holiday Mail for Heroes
P. O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD  20791-5456

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