September 26, 2010

Lawyer: FBI raids Chicago man's home in terrorism probe, targeting social justice advocates -

Lawyer: FBI raids Chicago man's home in terrorism probe, targeting social justice advocates -

So the F-ingBI raided a number of homes in Chicago over the weekend in what was called a terrorism probe targeting social justice advocates.

Here is the original post I saw that documents the FBI spending 12 hours in the home of two Chicago peace activists and confiscating and hauling away pictures of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X.

Am I the only one having flashbacks to the 1960s? Back then, the FBI had a file on The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.  This weekend, they just collected his picture, and that of Malcom's, too; because if you're going to be a racist you may as well do it up right. Beyond that, they collected, according to this report, pictures drawn or colored by the activists children.

I thought we got rid of the Gestapo when we got rid of Richard Nixon.  Clearly, I was misinformed.

If anybody's having a sit-in, I'm coming. It's been 15 years since I last sang "We Shall Overcome," and it's time we get a tuning fork and get back to the program. You want to arrest my ass? Go the hell ahead. I'll buy a pink "breast cancer survivor" shirt for the occasion and show off for the cameras while you strong-arm me, you other-ducking puny-appendaged pieces of crap.

More posts coming soon.

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