September 26, 2010

Activists call FBI raids massive “fishing expedition” - Chicago Independent |

Activists call FBI raids massive “fishing expedition” - Chicago Independent |

A really fine follow-up article by a writer in Chicago about a public meeting held to discuss the effing-BI's tactics.

It's likely the Martin and Malcolm photos weren't deliberately set apart to be confiscated. The storm troopers also took boxes full of the Chicago couple's children's drawings and homework; as well as ancient postcards from girlfriends and (I'm stretching but it seems likely) the magnets on the refrigerator.

The FBI was in their house for 12 hours. The couple have been peace activists for decades. And you want me to think this wasn't an act of intimidation?

This article, incidentally, says that among the people who spoke out against the home invasion was a United Methodist minister.  I know a few of those in Chicago.  If anybody knows who it was, please let me know; I' foolish enough to continue looking for signs of life in the UMC..  You can comment here or send an email to mary at marycartledgehayes dot    com.  Thanks.

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