March 7, 2009


I've spent the last three hours -- without even a coffee break -- condensing. First I exported the Hot Flash Fan blog to my Way Ahead Threads blogsite; that site will now include feminist art, fiber art, and my art (other than mail art).

That move was so much simpler than I feared that I then turned to simplifying the labels on this blog. The pile has been substantially reduced, to the point that I'm even willing to have the labels appear here. Previously, the list was too long even for me to plow through.

I'd read that this kind of filtering gives insight into what a blog actually is as opposed to what you vaguely suppose is going on. Turns out to be accurate, although I did some rather widespread grouping. Under Art, for instance, appear postcards, Yo-Yo Ma, and many other categories. "Arts" is probably a better term, but changing all of those notations isn't going to happen.

My world feels much tidier now. Hope it works better for you, too.

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