April 9, 2012

Middle Bass Monday: island residents, 1963

Middle Bass residents, May 1963.  This list either shows the people invited to my graduation from Middle Bass Grade School or the list of people to whom I wrote thank you notes after graduation.

Mrs. Ashley (Clara) was lovely: pleasant and kind.  We'd visit on her front porch in the summer when we delivered her regular order of eggs (we raised Leghorn chickens at the time). She must have had a lilac bush, because the smell is connected to her front porch in my sensory data bank.

Bill Kristoff was a friend of Sonny Schneider.  I remember him showing us, with immense delight, his red MG, in front of Sonny's garage (next to Thelma's house).  (The car had his initials in small block letters on the dash.)  Later he was killed in a water accident.  He was on his or a friend's boat anchored off Catawba/Port Clinton. They were asleep when another boat, never identified, ran into or over them.  Both young men died.

I think it was the Pinneys who invited us down to see Bonanza on their color television set, the first one on the island.  Oh, what a sight. They offered us soft drinks, and our parents chastised us when we got home for having accepted.  It was taking unfair advantage of hospitality for three children to drink soda pop offerings of an elderly couple (if they were elderly; who knows what age they might have been?). We were to say "No, thank you" to soft drinks and request water if we should be thirsty,which we shouldn't be.  (We were, however, allowed to eat the popcorn.)

Who's missing?  Miss Carrie High, who lived across the road from what is now the Middle Bass Inn; who intended to live to be 100; and who fed ginger snaps to Amy and me when we went to visit.  Also, Emma and Andrew Beckstein (Bechstein?), a brother and sister who lived together in a white house on the north shore of the island.

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