January 26, 2012

Art Project 52 -3 - In Which I Write an Essay

Last week's artist project: writing an essay with a maximum of 600 words to submit for possible publication in one of four books to be published this year by the Tending Your Inner Garden program founders, Deb Engle and Diane Glass.

I'm sharing the first paragraph of the essay, which will appear in the Winter volume.

Deadline for the second book is February 15. If you want to take part but the thought paralyzes you, the best trick I know for breaking through resistance is to decide to write for ten minutes a day.  That's all you need:  ten minutes a day.

The Onset of Winter by Mary Cartledgehayes

Nearly three years ago, Maureen called from South Carolina to tell me that her sister Terry, my friend of 35 years, had a malevolent sarcoma on her left arm. Chemotherapy might be called for. “And” (note: in medical conversations, and often precedes a full-on kick to the head) “she may have her arm amputated.”

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