February 17, 2011

Fibonacci 47. February 16, 2011 Amayrillis II, Revised

All of the amaryllis photos on this post and the earlier post were taken by Jennifer Flowers.

 Jennifer's Amaryllis II
1     She
1     said,
2     after my
3     first amaryllis poem,
5     that she got it for
8     Christmas, one bulb and a thimble's worth of
13   dirt. She planted and watered, and soon a peek of green appeared.

1   The
1   stem
2   shot up.
3   Buds developed, and
5   then it blossomed all unexpectedly,
8   voluptuously, vibrant pink, commanding its space and everything
13 nearby. She took a hundred fifty photographs in search of the best angle.

1    But
1    every
2    angle was
3    as beautiful as
5    the one before.  And then
8    the lower flowers bloomed.  Surprise! More beauty!

1    Kandinsky
1    said
 2   absorption is
 3   the last happiness --
5    and every baby picking up
8    peas with first finger and thumb proves absorption
13  is the first happiness as well.  The trick is holding to that knowledge.

1    Jennifer
1    planted
2    an amaryllis --
3    her Christmas present! --
5   and when it bloomed she
8   discovered what Kandinsky and every baby already know.
1   A
1   surfeit
2   of beauty
3   brings forth
5   a surfeit of unbridled absorption.

1    How
1    to
2    choose perfection?
2    Each is perfection.

1    And
1    those
2    small secondary
3    buds at the
5    bottom more beautiful than the first.

1    Glory
1     be.
                                                                              by Mary Cartledgehayes; photos by Jennifer Flowers

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