August 11, 2009

Intersection of light and dark

I sewed these big pieces together to use as the back of another quilt, but as soon as I did so I felt the desire to embroider statements on the yellow part -- or maybe to embroider statements on patches the colors of the planets and then attach those patches to black patches and attach those patches to the yellow...

First patch: "Let there be light."

Followed by: "But let there be dark as well."

Followed by something my friend Susan, a photographer among her other virtues, told me years ago: "The eye is attracted to the intersection of light and dark."

I think logically I should take the thing apart and reconstruct it with some sort of symmetry -- except I don't want to. Something about the way it is now, after all, is what's drawing forth the thoughts of light and dark.

Some days trusting in your own inimitable self is a full time job.

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