November 8, 2008

A Novel Idea

In my constant pursuit of activities that keep me too busy to file paperwork, day before yesterday I embarked on a great adventure. NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. Roughly 100,000 people from all over the world are churning out page after page of deathless, or perhaps lifeless, prose. All of us have the same goal: a 50,000 word novel completed by November 30, 2008.

I've been hearing about this event for ages without pursuing it, what with not being a novelist and all. This year, though, while I'm leaping across other boundaries in single bounds, I joined the party. I gave myself a handicap: I didn't sign on until November 5, which may not seem like a lot to you but puts me at a distinct disadvantage when others are getting 1666 (give or take a few) words down a day. Also, from reading the posts at NaNoWriMo, I see that some folks -- most likely those who've participated in the past -- begin the month prepared. They've got an idea for a plot; they've named a few characters; they've decided on a setting; and the concluded any other long-term projects that might distract them. Not me, boy. Ordinarily cautious (it was only 4 years ago that I received my first and only ticket for a traffic violation), I plunged in on a whim. I'm at just over 4000 words this morning. Another thousand and I'll have completed ten percent of the book. Then I just have to do that nine more times, and I'm done.

This is, incidentally, the tenth year for this event. Mosey on over, see what they're doing, and be amazed.

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