September 27, 2006

Semi-sweetness and Light cover art

Night before last I stitched this piece while sitting on the couch talking with my beau.

I handed it to him when I finished, and he said, "That's it" -- certain this is right for the cover. I was still a bit unsure until, seeing it in his hands, the phrase "and the glory of the Lord shone all around" popped into my head. The piece is 4 x 6, as are all of the fiberart postcards.

The book designer will play with typefaces and sizes for the cover, so rather than doing those in fabric and adhering them, I simply printed them on paper and taped them on -- just to get a sense of whether I'd like it. I do -- so much so that I may do a larger version for the fun of it. Stitching with yellow on a rich shade of purple like this is a satisfying endeavor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the cover very much, it goes well with the book title.
