These photos were taken at the end of August. I'd stopped at a service station next to an interstate exit, and while pumping gas I noticed how beautiful the sky was. This sky is Ohio. Kentucky shares it but without the contrasting gray on days like today.
Ohio: wide open spaces.
Ohio: wide open spaces with short trees.
Ohio: it doesn't all look like this, but most of it does, and that's a good thing.
Ohio: corn field in August. A beautiful sight.
Ohio: rustic stuff sitting around being photogenic.
Ohio: the water tower in the middle of nowhere against which the rustic stuff leans.
Ohio: weathered wood up close.
Ohio: where sometimes you get the feeling you're being watched.
Ohio, where check-out time in this motel is noon; where Laramie is so exhausted from helping me drive last night that she's still in bed; where the dog in the adjoining room has been barking without ceasing for 45 minutes, in between scratching on the door; and where if I'd left the motel half an hour ago I'd already be talking to my mother.
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