January 13, 2011

Fibonacci Poetry365.11 Sketchbook Play

 Pages 1 and 2

 Pages 3 and 4
Pictured above are the first four pages of my sketchbook for The Sketchbook Project. We had a list of theme, and I chose "If you lived here."  Once I finish, I'll go back to the beginning to tidy up, mostly by writing over the barely legible words with a darker ink

Sketchbook Play

1   The
1   sketchbook
2   I'm completing
3   for an art
5   show in New York City
8   has turned into an autobiography.  I've introduced Michael,
13 the two dogs, and myself.  I've drawn some wicked sketches, stick figures with
21  extra scribbles to give them depth.  I've glued in my mail art; a stiff envelope from my British aunt because
34  it's laden with 2012 Olympic stamps and type reading "LONDON 2012 HOST CITY"; fabric and yarn and string and stick glue and Elmer's and gesso and my loopy hand-printing. It's been here for months.
55  It's Thursday. The postmark deadline is one o'clock on Saturday. It is, if I'm lucky, one-third filled, and with love talk at that. Where can I go now except to and through death and cancer? Why did I wait?  Fear of failure? Or the thrill of the race to deadline glory? Already the sketchbook strains its seams.

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