I'm working on holiday postcards today while contemplating going out to buy a nice box of Hallmark cards to fill in the difference between the number I expect I can get made and the number I need. I addressed 14 of them yesterday, following 17 a week ago; and I have some stitching to do before they can go out. It sometimes crosses my mind to simplify, not bother stitching, or work with paint instead of fabric, and then I remember I'm doing this for fun; and if they don't turn out the way I prefer them to, it's not fun.
Here's an example, lest you've missed this part of the story I'm telling on this blog:
Today is my granddaughter Elizabeth's birthday; which is how this postcard got this date. I intended to send it to her but somehow it went in the mail to someone else when I wasn't paying attention.
Last night I went out to the garage in the rain and gathered up some boxes of Christmas decorations and other boxes in which to mail packages. They're in the back of the Jeep, because it was raining; and I could go get them now except with the wind chill the temp is 14 degrees. Maybe next time I walk the dogs I'll grab a box or two. The weather is not expected to clear; instead, we're waiting for the ice storm to arrive.
At the moment, a few Santas, a few nutcrackers, a few military band members, and one camel are on the mantle in no particular order, as though somebody just put them there off-handedly in the middle of another project -- which is what happened. The box they were in was the right size for the things I sent to Mother last week. So here we are, two weeks before Christmas and ever so many charming tasks await. I'm sure I'll finish, but first I may go take a nap.
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