The September Becoming an Outdoors-Woman Kentucky event is looming on the horizon. I lovelovelove this group! The get-together is September 19 through 21 event at the 4-H Leadership Center lodge in Jabez (pronounced Jay-Bezz), Kentucky. I think everybody ought to attend; it's going to be that much fun.
Here are just a few of the skills we have the option of learning or improving upon: Archery ---- Backpacking ---- Backyard gourmet ---- Caving ---- Fishing ---- Nature Journaling ----Intro to Rifles ---- Intro to Shotguns ---- Map Reading/Orienteering ---- Woodburning ---- Wildflower Identification.
There's even going to be a class called Fall Herping, which involves a creek and a search for salamanders. In the evenings, we get to tie knots, look for owls, score antlers, and/or eat ice cream. And the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources is throwing a fish fry for everybody.
You can get more information on their website. Be warned: the fee is $130 through July; then goes to $150 between July 31; and becomes $170 after September 1. And the sooner you sign up, the better chance you have of getting your first pick of classes. I recommend the nature journaling. Just today I came upon the wad of aluminum foil inside which my own personal stash of hawk throw-up is stored. It's sterile throw-up, you understand; the product was purchased from a ... well, what would you call the kind of store that sells such things? An emporium, I suppose. My point is that I got that prize at the last BOW event I attended, and I still treasure it. I also heard a high school teacher mention that she has her students write poetry using the Fibonacci series, which impressed me all up one side and down the other. So that's why I go to these things -- to be outside, to learn how to do things, and to hang around with smart and interesting and interested women. I always come home with unexpected treasures.
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